Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It' only one week of Chinese New Year, are you worry about weight?

It's only the a week of Lunar New Year. Are you starting to worry about gaining weight?

New year is the feasting time for many people, including myself. Our family yearly ritual during Lunar New Year is having gathering and have big meal together.

The "eat-till-you-drop" feast starts from new year eve, happened at least once everyday. This feasting session normally lasts until at least the 7th day of the new year. (The "Human Birthday")

That's not all! Remember the tempting tasty Bak Kua, Love Letter, Pineapple Tart that comes between meals? How about the sugar drink we sipped unconciously while talking to our friends during the gathering? In short, food is within hand reach distance everywhere we go. Wow!

For many, new year is the time to relax and they sit most of the time. House visiting, movie session, mahjong session, gathering, watching entertaining variety show at home. All these activities have one thing in common. Yes! "SITTING". Sitting does not burn extra calories.

If this is the true senerio, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the result of our overly simplified but very useful weight management equation.

Weight Gain = Food Intake - Calories Burnt.

I have that worry and challenges too. Especially there are so many local delicacies that have high energy density.

However, I found that I loss a bit of weight during this Chinese New Year. I lost 1 Kg and 1.5 cm just four day after the new year. No, I didn't go on fruit or vegeterian diet. And I didn't do extra gym work out nor run extra five kilometers. I still enjoy the lovely Bak Kua and delicious home cooked food and regular meal everyday. In fact, I didn't walk as much as my normal working days.

Thanks to the golden rules that I follow in the Ultimate Weigth Loss Porgramme with some very simple exercise routine at home and it didn't take much time out of me.

Of course, with the help of the Meridian Shower Gel, I enjoy my shower and at the same time have a good massage during shower. It's refreshing and feels good. What's more, it helped to prevent me from gaining weight.

I guess these simple little things in daily routine are very effective to manage my weight. I like Ultimate Weight Loss Program very much because it's natural,

No pills. (Thinking about popping those pills or supplement already make me feeling sick).

No stringent diet. (I still want to live my life and enjoy normal food).

No exhausting gym or workout session. (I like exercise, but gym session or marathon style running is not for me)

No visiting to high price slimming centre. (They may be effective short term if money is not an issue. But I like sustainable style of weight loss)

No accupuncture needle. (I believe in Traditional Chinese Medicine. But needle makes me sick)

Most of all, I still can enjoy my favorite food and I feel that I am in control because I don't rely on those extraordinary "treatments" to trim my weight. Too me, it's the most simpler and effective method.

To find out tips on weight lost or the Ultimate Weigth Loss Program, please email to

Monday, January 19, 2009

What you need to know about Chinese New Year Treats

Chinese New Year is just around the corner. Many people starts to do housekeeping. Good for them. For a person weight about 60kg, doing heavy cleaning of 30 minutes will help him to burn 143 kcal. This would be good motivation for people wish to shed some weight to do regular house keeping.

New year is a time to celebrate. Food and sugar drinks are items surely easily found everywhere and every moments. Before you tuck in that delicious pine apple tart or that oily, sinful but very tasty and tempting bak kua, check out the below information. Probably it will help you to manage your weight during this annual "mind and will power testing" period from food indulgence.

Pineapple tart (20g) = 80 kcal
"Love Letter" (15g) = 55 kcal
Kueh Bangkit (1 piece) = 25 kcal
Kueh Lapis (8cm x 4cm) = 145 kcal
Pork Bak Kua (11 cm x 7 cm) = 230 kcal
Plain Agar-agar (1 piece) = 85 kcal
Prawn Cracker (2 pieces) =98 kcal

What these numbers mean? It means simply by taking just one piece of each items above (which is not a lot) is amounting to total energy by eating a plate of fried rice.

Wow! One piece of each probably will not fill up half of my stomach but I am getting the calories of a plate of fried rice! What about the coke or the sugar green tea that I yet to sip? That's is on top of the normally heavy meal during the festive season.

Some tips of enjoying the goodies while not having too much of the high calories stuff.
1. Eat slowly and enjoy conciously every bite of it will help you avoid swollowing too much of new year goodies.
2. Always hold a piece of the goody in your hand but not eating it (choose one you don't really like to eat). This will help to fend off some warm and friendly people from stuffing those goodies in your hand.
3. Asked for a big glass of plain water to fill your stomach first before indulge in those tasty goodies. This has double benefit, make your body stay hydrated and avoid eating to much of the high energy stuff. Probably it helps to prevent potential sore throat too.
4. Show this calories chart to your friends and relatives. They may say you are health freak or they may say you are knowledgeable. Either way, is one good way of starting conversation and it can help to divert some embarrassing questions from the very concerning relatives such as "when are you getting married?"
5. If you really cant resist the temptation, probably can choose to lose some calories by walking extra bus stop or parking your car further away from destination. Remember, doing a 30 min heavy house cleaning work just burn half of the Bak Kua away.

Stay tuned for more ways of staying trim during the festive seasons.
To ask about weight management tips, email
You are welcome to join our Beacon LOHAS community and learn more about the Ultimate Weight Loss Program. Email with subject "UWLP"

Monday, January 5, 2009

What people think about weight loss

I recently went to Kuala Lumpur to explore business expansion opportunity. After talking to a few parties, we realised we might be sitting on a golden opportunity.

To many people, when we mentioned about weight loss, excessive exercise, diet, starving, slimming pills and supplement, expensive slimming spa treatment program were in their mind.

Most people common experience with slimming are either they have to be on some stringent/restrictive diet, expansive and non-sustainable result or non sustainable excessive exercises. They finally come to conclusion that "slimming" is not for them.

When I mentioned to them what if you can minimise or even eliminate the above "turn-off" elements in your journey to healthier slimming? What if you have control of yourself, would that feel more empowering or dis-empowering to you? Most of the time, their eye open so big as if they found the light in their life destiny for a slimmer or lighter body.

I told them most of the time, their quest to slimming doesn't bear any sustainable result because they were doing something extra-ordinary out of their daily routine.

When I told them the medical shower concept has one of the function to achieve their weight loss naturally, without much effort, their eye open wider with hope. It's is achiveable because shower is already a daily routine, it does not require something extraordinary from them.

With the medical shower concepts, we are able to helped people to have quality sleep, improve digestive system, relieve ache and pain, relieve joint pain, improve bowel movement, slimming, relieve sensitive skin problem and etc..

Stay tune for more update and results...