Friday, May 23, 2008

169 natural radiance series in Singapore Movie Fiesta.

Guess what? The 169 series is making its wave now.
We were invited to particiapte in Singapore Movie Fiesta which will be held from 4th to 8th June at Vivo City.

This is one of the largest congregation of movie superhero characters, blockbuster and movie fans.

This is the Biggest Movie event of the year with a potential to hit international and local media impression, aims to provide an annual platform for our brand to connect with tens of thousands of movie goers.

The event explores opportunities to create excitement for our product through association with the blockbuster movies of the year while creating brand affinity, loyalty & sales amongst profession & young "Trend Chasers"

Some statistics, VivoCity is the highest traffic shopping mall, has an average footfall of 180,000 daily.
4.2 million shoppers
set foot on VivoCity in Dec 2007.
The event dates enjoys the advantage of "Guarantee crowd" of the Great Singapore Sales and School Holiday.

This is the venue we want to hold our product showcase, press conference and promotional ground.

Check this video out and have an idea what this could be. This is a similar event happened in KL last year.

Our local famous artist will also be present during this glamorous events.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

What is this 169 craze all about?

Recently I worked with a group of dynamic and fun businessman and entreprenuer to be. They called themselves Syngergy team. Ya, now I am part of them. :-)

Anyway, they were asking me to video the instant face lifting effect and natural radiance that the 169+19 moisturizer mist can bring to a person. The video is meant for the exhition.

Well, why not?? To my amazement, this 169+19 is really good! It not only face lifting, give natural radiance to the face but also help to remove eye bag...

Come to think about it, who wants to carry two eye bags to meet friends or customers? Who wants to have a saggy face to meet their potential customers or love ones?

Anyway, picture says a thousand words. I guess video says more ;-)

Watch carefully at the beginning of the video, his left eye bag is slightly bigger then right eye bag. At 35 secs time, you can see his left eye bag is smaller then his right eye bag. Of course, his left side of the face is less chubby than the right side too.

This amazing!!

Initially, I thought it might be just one off case. I quickly look at the other video I took on another guy in the evening. That was his first time really using the product. (We have to teach him while recording the video).
He tried it on the right side and we see reduction in the eye bag and wrinkle. After tried on both side, both of his eye bag were also reduced within a minute!!

Imagine you use it only once, and you see improvement less then 1 minute!!
What can be the long term benefit if you were to use it regularly everyday?

This is really a revolutionary product for me. Even though I am a guy who is not really into beauty stuff. I would use it because it's simple, easy and natural for the refreshing and cleaning face before I meet my customer of friends. Oily face gives impression of untidy to many people.

By spray mist to moisturize my face, I get many benefits, face firming, radiance, face lifting (look younger).

Somebody passed me a bottle of X brand moisturized last night. It was a popular brand that you can find it on retail outlet.
I tried it and it doesn't have the refreshing and firming effect as 169+19.
With about the same price I am paying, naturally the choice is clear! :-)

Find out more at

Beacon LOHAS ~ Creating LOHAS community in South East Asia through Mind, Body, Spirit Wellness

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

We are ready to blog now

Yeah! Finally this blog is up.

This blog is set up for the sharing withing Beacon LOHAS community for the benefits they enjoyed through our workshops, seminars, events and Lifestyle and Healthcare product we are using.

Recently, there is this craze about the 169 Radiance Series.

I guess the best way to let people know how to use the 169 Radiance Series properly and sharing of experience would be the main focus now...

So, have fun with the new stuff!

Remember to come back for more real life story and video. :-)

Beacon LOHAS ~ Creating the LOHAS community within the South East Asia through Mind, Body, Spirit Wellness.